Some long, some short. Some from posting to Amazon and the like. Some more critical reviews. Some full analyses. Some simpler, more personal responses.
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Dates are the dates documents were added to the site.
Note that some links are to works that function as reviews, but were written to a different purpose than being merely a review.
Occasionally I will look at commercial fiction on recommendation or to see what the hubbub is about. But perhaps more this catagory offers me the opportunity to separate commercial from literary endeavors.
Works that are striving for something more than the best-seller lists.
I separate out commercial fiction; should I separate out commercial poetry?
All works that might fall under what is sometimes "imagintive fiction": a useful term, but not one I like. Note that some of these may appear also in "Literary Fiction," above.
I will not seperate Literary Criticism from Art or Music Theory/Criticism, or even that of Film. They are too entwined.
Books on the craft of writing.
At times I am sure the distinction between this and Criticism and Theory will be arbitrary.
As of now, I will not subdivide. Though I may in the future.